Asexual Research

Active Resources

The following is a list of relatively current resources related to Asexual Research. Please note that while this list is roughly sorted by the intended audience, many of the items on the list may be of interest to multiple groups.


The Asexuality and Aromanticism Bibliography: This ace and aro bibliography is a tagged and searchable collection of recommended research on the topics of asexuality and aromanticism, with curated collections on specific topics.

Asexual Research Group Bibliography on Zotero: the Asexual Research Zotero library is an ace-community run bibliography of many known works concerning asexuality, and is attempt to create a comprehensive archive of as may known asexual research works as possible, regardless of quality.

A Bibliography for Early Modern Asexualities: This collection focuses on works centering around works in the early modern period (c.1500-1800), as well as a selection of more general asexuality studies works and other early modern period works that may be of interest.

/u/Anupalabdhi’s Asexuality Bibliography at /r/AcePhilosophy:  The Asexuality Studies Bibliography at /r/AcePhilosophy represents a more curated personal bibliography of recommend works.

Estudios Académicos Sobre La Asexualidad/Spanish-Language Asexuality Bibliography: Esta bibliografía se centra en estudios académicos en español que traten sobre la asexualidad y el espectro asexual.

An Academic Look At The Systemic Oppression of Asexuality Carrd Page: – while not in a traditional bibliography format, this carrd page has compiled lists of the titles and abstracts/excerpts of studies and reports that contain statistics related to discrimination against asexual people.

Data Collections

The Asexual Community Census blog: The Ace Community Census blog does collect community-created analysis of data collected from the annual ace community census survey, which is probably one of the largest current sources of data on asexual communities. The raw data is also available to researchers upon request.

For Researchers

NWSA Asexuality Interest Group: For those interested in feminist/queer theory approaches to studying asexuality, the National Women;s Studies Association (NWSA) Asexuality Interest Group is an active academic networking group and regularly facilitates panels and workshops on asexuality at the annual NWSA conference. You can check for updates on their facebook page here or on their twitter. They also have a private mailing list that can be joined by request.

Ace/Aro Scholars Support Network
The Ace/Aro Scholars Support Network is a networking and mentorship Discord-based group primarily for Masters and PhD candidates, Faculty, and other academic researchers interested in the study of asexuality or aromanticism. If you are an ace or aro studies researcher interested in joining, contact Dr. Megan Caroll ( with your name, pronouns, position, and department/university affiliation to get a discord invite.

For Teachers

Sample Syllabi: Ela Przyblo’s Asexualities and Critical Nonsexualities Syllabus

For Students

Asexual Research FAQ for Students: The Asexual Research Tumblr’s “Help, I need sources! And other frequently asked questions” Has basic suggestions for students doing class papers or projects on asexuality who need help finding sources to cite. [Please note – the current post is about 6 years old and not up to date. A revised version should be coming later this year]

For Community Members

Asexuality in Academia Journal Club (reactivated as of July 2020!): The Journal Club is a monthly ace community online discussion group for readign and critiquing academic works on asexuality – summaries of past discussions can be found at the asexual agenda blog. The journal club is largely focused on ace community member perspectives, but is open for anyone who might be interested to join. As of July 2020, the Ace Journal Club now meets once a month via Discord – to join the journal club, email

Asexual Research Facebook Group: The Asexual Research Facebook Group is dedicated to sharing links to new research findings as well as occasional casual discussion of asexual research. While it was created by and for ace community members, it is open to anyone with an interest in asexual research.

Inactive/Archived Resources

The following resources are no longer maintained and in some cases are only available through web archives, but may still have content that could be useful.

Asexual Explorations (Archived Page – ceased updating around 2013, all pages removed in January 2017): The Asexual Explorations site includes a pretty solid bibliography of major published papers on asexuality from around 2004-2013; it also has supplementary information on related topics such as HSDD and the DSM. You can also check out the asexual explorations blog for additional discussion.

Asexuality in Academia Journal Club (inactive as of July 2013): The Journal Club was a monthly ace community online Skype group for discussing academic works on asexuality – summaries of past discussions can be found at the asexual agenda blog.

Asexuality Studies Blog (inactive as of November 2013): Although this short-lived project is no longer active, there’s a couple posts about studying asexuality and links to other resources still available via the internet archive. (please note: the original Asexuality Studies url is now being camped out by spammers, so don’t get tricked by that! Use archived pages from before October 2013 for best results )

Asexuality Studies Mailing List (mostly inactive since ~2014): This mailing list has been pretty dead since like…2014, but it technically still works and there are still some asexual research academics subscribed to it.

Asexual Research Tumblr (inactive as of ~2018): The Asexual Research tumblr blog was originally dedicated to ace community discussions of asexual research, including sharing calls for participants and answering questions. It is no longer actively updated but the post archive is still available. [If you would be interested in taking over and re-starting this project, let me know at]

AcePhilosophy Subreddit (archived as of 2021, no longer publicly viewable): The Ace Philosophy reddit community features occasional reviews of critiques of asexual research, among other topics.